Circuit Training 1 hour
This Circuit Training class is a total body challenge that is designed to target strength building and improve muscular endurance. You will work through various stations using dumbbells, BOSU, stability balls, kettle bells and our brand new state of the art nautilus equipment. This class allows you to adjust the weight and intensity level of each exercise to fit your current fitness level and builds muscular strength tone and endurance.
Yoga 1 hour
This yoga class is designed to be an energizing and motivating way to start your day. This yoga class is an excellent way to strengthen every muscle group while enhancing your bodies ability to move muscles and joints through their complete range of motion. Adding yoga to your strength and cardiovascular routine helps keep your body healthy, safe and prevent injury.
Cardio Blast/HIIT 1 hour
Cardio Blast is a high energy,fun and fast paced class that works on stamina and endurance while blasting calories. This class combines fun body weight exercises and aerobic training in short intervals that will get your heart rate up and put a smile on your face. The last 15 minutes of class will be spent enjoying a nice gentle cool down and group stretching session.