Mission Statement

We are not a gym. We treat the body as a whole – both the physical well-being as well as the mental.

We start with basics – understanding YOU
o establish your current benchmarks
o identify the desired goals
o have a way to measure your progress

Physical success is intertwined with mental success. And mental success is intertwined with physical success. So we work with you on both, and we focus on where you need us the most.

Periodic Evaluations

You will need to establish a schedule upon which we will evaluate your progress to see if the program is having the desired results. If your participation is low, we will address the motivation/reward/incentive model, or communication regarding the program and its benefits. If participation is good, we will want to determine if you’re making progress on your goals pertaining to absenteeism, productivity, injuries, mental wellbeing, physical strength, etc.

Necessary Updates

In addition to program changes needed to improve utilization or outcomes, there will often be new services or activities made available, or new programs may become available, which you will want to consider. If a program is getting stale, and participation is backsliding, we would want to offer new activities and/or services.

We are here for you – in body, mind, and spirit.